the extended art exhibit and after event for expo chicago is excited to be highlighting the work of dennis matthews. dennis is a MFA recipient from the school of the art institute of chicago and a veteran of the los angeles art scene, where he was employed by two galleries and an internationally renowned museum. after a year in los angles, he relocated to philadelphia, pa. to found the grizzly grizzly gallery, which garnered international acclaim
through the publication art papers,and several national newspapers. having felt he had run the course with that gallery, he resigned his position and focused exclusively on his own painting practice. dennis spent last summer producing a new body of work, the first he has produced in four years. this new series of works find their inspiration from his new obsession and investigation into the promise of decor while drowning in the history of abstraction, surfacing "at the point where something just completely odd is happening" to the work. extended is his first exhibition in chicago since his return windy city this fall. matthews has also exhibited at tompkins projects in new york and at nexus gallery in philadelphia.
EXTENDED is a one day exhibition of fine art with the mission of showcasing the emerging artists of Chicago. Artists and works have been chosen for how they both represent and inform the intricacies and patterns of contemporary art practice.
Admission is $10 or free with an Expo Chicago or Art on Track ticket.
Artwork provided by presenting curatorial partner
An online marketplace for emerging and established artists, helping the general public find art they love
Curatorial Staff:
Pepper Coate
Stuart Hall
Allan Vandever
To learn more visit: